Workflow Systems

Ucora provides powerful workflow systems to increase team productivity, and to increase staff and customer loyalty.

GamePlanPro Cloud-based workflow platform for field service companies.

  • HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Roofing, and more!
  • Boost productivity and profitability. Increase quality. Attract, develop, and retain top staff talent.
  • GamePlanPro takes care of the entire customer journey, from marketing, proposal generation, closing sales, receiving customer requests online, quoting, coordinating teams, location mapping, asset tracking, work performed, time and materials, through to invoicing and integration with accounting.
  • GPP-AI makes writing quotes and field reports professional, quick, and easy regardless of what your native language is. This significantly increases the available pool of top talent to your company. This boosts customer and employee satisfaction.
  • GPP-AI-MOTIV provides the tools to keep everyone focused on what motivates staff to be their very best. Not with the typical ineffective annual or quarterly "So, how are we doing?" reviews. Motivational alignment opportunities are available each and every time work is assigned. Staff loyalty is not an issue with GamePlanPro companies.

AI-Powered IVY Motivational Fitness App and Network. Take career goals and team motivational alignment to the next level!

Contact Ucora for more information on our workflow solutions.

Ready to take your team
to the next level?

Let's Talk

Haakon HVAC Services

Ashton Service Group

Axa Insurance

Design Roofing


Ryan LLC

Simon Fraser University


United Way

Executive Air


Altus Group Limited

Asia Pacific Foundation

BC Rail

Ballard Power Systems

CBC News

Canaccord Capital


City of Vancouver

Cobra Electric



Marvin F Poer

Metro Vancouver

Natures Path Foods

Neptune Bulk Terminal

Prince Rupert Port

Russel Metals

The Mainroad Group

Vancouver Museum

Vancouver School Board

Yves Veggie